Good Leavers, Bad Leavers: You’re mess
In every organisation there are star employees and those who are actively disengaged. Either at initial transaction phase but certainly post investment, retaining star performers is likely (or at least in most circumstances) a priority.
Dear Boss, I Quit…
Post investment, in particular were M&A occurs there will be a period of transition and integration. It is almost always left to the Senior Leadership to oversee this transition and for them to report back on progress.

However, the data doesn’t lie. Quite quickly for a variety of identifiable reasons it should be noted (and you can go on Glassdoor or any job site) you will see workplace reviews and people departing. While in certain circumstances this could be an ideal scenario it is not so smart if people (seniority, expertise, qualifications, IP) are integral to downstream investment value creation.
To avoid a mass exodus, downstream employee fluctuation, poor performance etc. you need to monitor, track and investigate in a proactive fashion Human Capital insights.